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Simplify Your Labeling with BarTender Subscription!

Date: 26-07-2024


How subscription can help your business




  1. What are the key benefits of subscription?

Subscription is the easiest way to manage your BarTender Software with lower upfront costs and more tax benefits.

Subscription is a predictable, all inclusive payment. You never need to worry about legacy systems that cannot be upgraded, backpay or expired support contracts.


  1. Is there still an outright On-Premise option available?

Yes, we still have a legacy option available; however, it is not generally recommended.

The upfront costs are higher and there is an ongoing cost of approximately 20% of the license fee. Additionally, less tax benefits.


  1. Is subscription only available with Cloud or also On-Premise?

Subscription is available in both On-Premise software and BarTender Cloud.


  1. What is included in subscription?

Subscription includes full access to your BarTender software, standard maintenance and support and eligibility to upgrade. No other hidden fees.


  1. What if I need to add more printers to my subscription?

Simply place an order to add your extra printers to your subscription; the fee will be pro-rated based on your remaining subscription term.


  1. How will I receive my license key to access the subscription?

For BarTender On-Premise subscription, you will receive a License Certificate from us.
For BarTender Cloud, BarTender automatically sends a welcome email with your license details.


  1. Do I automatically receive upgrades with my subscription?

For On-Premise subscription, you are responsible to update your BarTender software (free, included in your subscription).
For BarTender Cloud, BarTender automatically update the software – no IT maintenance required.


  1. Do I need to have internet access to renew my subscription?

Subscription renewal requires connection to our server to update the subscription status. However, we also support offline authentication.


  1. Can I change my existing perpetual license to a subscription model?

No, a new subscription license must be purchased. It cannot be transferred.


  1. How do I pay my subscription?

Simply place your renewal order with us. Click HERE to contact us.


  1. What happens if I miss my subscription payment / renewal?

You will still be able to open BarTender however, your business will be unable to print. There is no grace period.


  1. Who will notify me that my subscription payment is due?

BarTender will send automatic reminders about your upcoming subscription renewals; additionally, we may contact you with a reminder.


  1. Is there any backpay cost if I renew after the expiry date?

No backpay or reactivation fee is required. Simply restart the subscription when convenient for you.


Contact us now to learn more about BarTender Subscription.

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